Saturday, October 11, 2014

Windows Live Writer Issue Authenticating with Google

Problems setting up Windows Live Writer with Blogger?  I did too, but finally through much effort (and not much help from googling the problem) I figured out the issue, which was not with WLW, but with the security settings on google. 
If you have noticed that a lot of older android and other programs have stopped working with your google accounts this is likely the same issue.  Basically, in your account>security settings there is a section called account permissions.  The second option states “Access for Less Secure Apps”.  You have to enable this setting in order for WLW to set up your account in blogger and start posting for you.  It is that simple. 
BEWARE: there is likely a good reason that google determined that disabling access for some programs, thus you alone are assuming the risk of enabling!!!!
Also, credit where it is due goes out to: Focused on Blogging, and helping others... where I found my first clues on what the overall problem was. 

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